Friday, February 11, 2011

Drug Rehab Florida

Drug Rehab Florida
Drug Rehab Florida
The average age of first drug use is 12 1/2 years old. 65% of graduating high school seniors said their schools are drug infested. 25% of college students will be diagnosed as alcoholics or drug addicts - these are the kids who are unlikely to be able to stop drinking or taking drugs without an alcohol or drug rehab program.
Drug Rehab Florida
Drug Rehab Florida
Why are parents out of touch with the drug scene? In part, it's because "involvement in drugs" has been redefined in recent years: while parents may consider their kid to have a problem only if they use heroin, marijuana, cocaine or other street drugs, the real problem today is with prescription drug addiction and abuse - drugs that come straight from America's medicine cabinets.
Drug Rehab Florida
Drug Rehab Florida
Not only are prescription drugs just as dangerous as their illegal counterparts, drug rehab and drug detox programs all over the U.S. are seeing an influx of clients who are hooked on them - and some of those clients would never even consider taking illegal drugs. Unless you want your kids to turn into drug addicts who need a drug rehab program, get familiar with today's drugs and drug scene so you can talk to your kids about it. If they already have a problem, get them into drug rehab.

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